Updates and Nicol Bolas Month

Hello everyone! Time for another update for this website. Things are going pretty good for me right now with making good content. I am working hard making great content for you.

I have two big announcements here so let’s get right to it!

  • The Recurring Mtgtheory Spoiler Season shall be discontinued. Before you all get the torches out just hear me out. The Mtgtheory Spoiler season was fun, but I found that it was very difficult to keep up with the amount of spoilers in each new set. That, and what I am doing outside of blogging make this sort of work difficult. So after some tough thinking the Mtgtheory spoiler season series shall hereby be discontinued. Instead I will highlight some cards that I think stand out in a set or just tell you all when the whole set is spoiled.
  • Now for the big one: I am proud to announce that starting June 14- July 14 shall be known as Nicol Bolas month. As we celebrate everything about this big baddie in the leadup to his big return in Hour of Devastation. We will do everything from making a theory about Nicol Bolas involving the next set, maybe even a bonus theory?, an Mtgtheory deck around Nicol Bolas, and a look at the new Archenemy set! And a look at the lore of Nicol Bolas. It will be an exciting month here at mtghtheory and I hope you can all join us! To celebrate this big baddie!

Published by reader_magic

My name is Spencer aka mtgtheorist and I have a strong passion for reading. And I wanted a place where I can share my thoughts and opinions about books and other media. I do work full time at a regular office job during the day. In my spare time when I’m not working, I am often reading, playing Magic the Gathering (my main hobby), tv-series and movies, tabletop & card games. I also run mtgtheoryblog, which can be found here. So please check that out!

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